February 8
i. Name Game (worth two points in the 100-point grading system)
III. General Business & Announcements
III. Sign-up for your favorite Hip Hop pillars for Theme 2 (begins next week):
1) rapper/emcee/femcee; 2) b-boys/b-girls, breakin & hip hop dance; 3) graffiti/ graf writers; 4) DJing and sound technology; 5) knowledge; 6) fashion; 7) film/cinema; 8) journalism; 9) basketball/streetball.
- Thank you Kinslee and Drew!
- Today features: Emma A, Regan, Aaron, Alex, Emma C.
III. General Business & Announcements
- We are entering a season of increased flu/strep/COVID infections. Take care of yourself. If you are not feeling well, don't come to class. Rest, heal, and mask up as needed.
III. Sign-up for your favorite Hip Hop pillars for Theme 2 (begins next week):
1) rapper/emcee/femcee; 2) b-boys/b-girls, breakin & hip hop dance; 3) graffiti/ graf writers; 4) DJing and sound technology; 5) knowledge; 6) fashion; 7) film/cinema; 8) journalism; 9) basketball/streetball.
OR GO HERE: http://tinyurl.com/hhr-theme2
Upcoming Hype Presentations:
1980s w/ Kenzi, TJ & McLean, & Aaron |
Click here for sign-up sheet OR go here: http://tinyurl.com/HHR-hype For a sample presentation on Joey BadA$$, click here. For your guidelines & grading criteria, click here. |
NOTE: Your hype presentations are due to me by Wednesdays at noon. Look for my email response that tells you that everything is working well after you send it to me. You need to grant me editing permission so that I can embed the slides. You do not have to be DONE with the slides at noon. Google slides and canva update in real time so you have until the moment you present to revise and update
(only google slides and canva are acceptable).
(only google slides and canva are acceptable).
V. "Show & prove" (Sharing of hip hop zines)
In the groups that you have set up for the next theme of the course, share your zines:
- Show everyone what you have done--- hold it up or pass it around. Be sure to who each slide/board/page.
- Focus on one page and read what you wrote.
- If you embedded music, play a clip of one song. If you didn't embed music, discuss why/how you chose one of your images used.
- When you are done sharing your work, all colleagues must share one thing that you learned and/or liked.
- Follow this process for every member of the group.
VI. More on the Breakbeat
In-Class Assignment Postponed to Tuesday, Feb. 13!