January 11 |
Today: The BAD BOY "Welcome Back"
(click here) |
IV. Review the Syllabus (15-20 MINUTES)
V. Q& A on the Syllabus (please turn on your camera when you talk)
VI. Zoom Procedures
- Click here for syllabus
- Make sure you read/understand these two sections: 1) THE INTRO and 2) ASSESSMENTS
- Make sure you understand Thursday's assignment (this is explained on the syllabus and at the website)
V. Q& A on the Syllabus (please turn on your camera when you talk)
VI. Zoom Procedures
- Keep your cameras on as much as you are comfortable doing so. Please come as you are (but G-rated, folks!) For some of us, it is very difficult to engage an audience when we do not see or know that audience.
- Mute yourself so that a speaker does not get sidetracked with construction noise, etc too much in the background.
- When you raise your hand, you can just wave or put Q in the chat.
- We begin at 11:10am SHARP! From 11-11:10am, look over the day's agenda and get situated, especially if you are coming from another class.
- The zoom session will open at 11am if you want to come through and ask questions... orrrrrr gossip... like you would mix it up in the classroom during the change of classes.
- Tuesdays are WORKSHOP DAYS. Thursdays are HYPE PRESENTATION days. You can expect routines and rituals to get us through!
- If I ever lose internet connection, wait a moment for my return. If I get lost in the sauce, I'll email you as soon as I can. If I lose internet connection on a Thursday, keep going with the presentations. THE INTERNET IS SHADY!
VII. First Tuesday Workshop: Black Rhetorical Continuities AKA Re-Mix
Black Rhetorical Continuities in 15 Minutes:
"Ego-Trippin... There Might Be a Reason Why" and Its Remix
"Ego-Trippin... There Might Be a Reason Why" and Its Remix
The poem was recorded and sold as a record.
Part 1: The 1970s-80sFeel free to turn off your camera & mic and read these lyrics as you listen. Click here for the annotated lyrics on genius.com. We will hear the poem twice.
Giovanni's many sources of inspiration include:
Part 2: The 1990sFeatured on the show "A Different World" about college students at an HBCU as the students, especially the Black women students, come to grips with the negative stereotypes of Black women, the Mammy image, and slavery.
Watch the way "Kim" sheds the negative past and ends by adorning herself in a positive African past and new future. This episode is called "Mammy Dearest." You can watch the entire episode below on your own (this is optional). |
Part 3: The 2000sJill Scott's 2007 "Hate on Me"
Click here for lyrics Feel free to turn off your camera & mic and read these lyrics as you listen. |
VIII. January 11 Classroom Activity & Discussion
(go here https://forms.gle/MuyJUVZVUqcrxfPU7 or do form below)
(go here https://forms.gle/MuyJUVZVUqcrxfPU7 or do form below)